Easy Money
Sep 12, 2023When I was in Sydney a year ago, I’d often surf Bondi Beach at first light, then walk to a bougie coffee shop close to my house for a latte and a croissant. Most mornings during those coffee runs I’d listen to a couple of Billy Joel’s awesome eighties songs really loud on my headphones, like “Easy Money” and “That’s not Her Style.” I’d barely be able to contain my ridiculously good mood, not really believing my luck to be able to be there. I’d sing along (in my head) with BJ’s cheesy/brilliant lyrics—”she gave the pilot something extra for the perfect ride”* or “someone’s got a fortune they’re begging me to take”—and I’d just feel so content, so complete.
During that time in Australia, I had vowed to keep that inner peace and lightness for as long as I possibly could, ideally for the rest of my life here on this earth, knowing I’ll eventually be away from an ocean, or living like a normal person, i. e. at a permanent address, with bills to pay, etc. etc. And I’m surprised to realize that, even though I’m landlocked and stealing souls for cash again, it’s kinda working! Treating failure like success, and not thinking too much about anything … just taking it easy.
Meadows in the Aargau, and Fricktaler cherries, the best!! Then I go roadtrippin’ in Scandinavia with my mom. In Sweden, we stay at Per Gessle’s hotel which excites me to no end. Needless to say it’s compulsory we listen to Roxette for the rest of our trip! Scandinavia is so sweet, so tranquil and peaceful, and I feel right at home, on the road again, with plenty of woods to photograph.
Back in Switzerland, we still walk a lot, and I get new digs (hopefully for the next two decades because I am done being a nomad) with dramatic cloudy views and pretty houseplants. (I recently heard that people nowadays can’t deal with having kids anymore, they just have houseplants. Yessir!) A visit with my grandma, a fancy family weekend in Davos, and my dad throws a summer party in Basel.
*a situation I am personally familiar with
June to September 2023