Single Moms in Poverty

In Switzerland, single mothers are very likely to live in poverty. In collaboration with wir eltern editor Manuela von Ah, I recently reported on three women living at the subsistence level—how do they survive with a chronic lack of money?

Our Home, III

I recently photographed another lovely (and very handsome) family for the "Living" feature in wir eltern.

Our Home, II

In January, I photographed a lovely family in Dornach for a feature in wir eltern!

Catching Thieves

Andrea Müller has been working as a store detective for 20 years. She's noticed that there are more and more professional thieves. Some thank her when she catches them.

Very Long Covid

Some patients suffer from Long Covid even two years after the infection. Their situation is precarious: Insurances have stopped paying daily allowances and disability pensions are not yet approved. In addition to physical hardships, people now go through financial hardships as well.