Closer to Fine

Various forest walks in cantons Zug and Aargau; a visit to the Grotte in Wittnau with my bro and his girlfriend; a fancy luncheon with mom and grandma at the Hallwilersee; I’m trying my hand at collages in my sweet flat that is now used full-time as an art studio; Jakob’s 90th birthday in Küsnacht; another quick business trip to London in September with a stroll through Fulham Palace botanical. Every once in a while I miss that travelin’ life … Photo & Electrical Beauty.


It’s my birthday in October and I get pretty flowers from Lea (thank you, dear!); more paintings; home-grown tomatoes; morning mist and full crazy garage lights in the neighborhood; a trip to Ticino for Errol’s family day at the Ausbildungszentrum Spezialkräfte in Isone in November; helicopters and medical demonstrations; Leya and Errol being their usual cute selves; Elif is such a proud mom, and I such a proud friend <3


Coffee in Zurich on a gorgeous fall day with my bro; more forests; the little chapel; Henri Matisse in Basel; the best of times with Em.


I’m back to listening to the Indigo Girls a lot, singing along while cruisin’, “Darkness has a hunger that’s insatiable, and lightness has a call that’s hard to hear.”


The hardest to learn is always the least complicated.

June 2024 – January 2025