These Anakao Days

Scroll down for English.                  Anfangs März veröffentlichte ich auf Instagram einen Surfkitsch-Post: Mein heiss geliebtes Board, hier am Strand in Anakao bei Sonnenaufgang fotografiert, mit der Zeile “One of these days—and it's gonna be right soon—you'll find your legs, and go, and stay gone.”* Das war prä-Corona, und ich ahnte damals noch nicht, wie sehr sich diese Worte in den kommenden Monaten bewahrheiten würden.

Round-Up and Outlook, the Pandemic Edition

Currently, I live in Anakao, a small fishing village in the southwest of Madagascar. I came here in the beginning of March for a surf vacation, then the island got locked down, I decided to stay ... and it's been 108 days since.

Deforestation in Madagascar

When you fly across Madagascar, you can clearly see the bare, eroding soil and landslides everywhere: It’s a desolate view. Deforestation on the world’s fourth largest island is the most alarming in the tropical world and has reached catastrophic proportions in the past years. Approximately 95% of Madagascar’s vegetation has been destroyed over the centuries. — This is a story I pitched to and shot for Neue Zürcher Zeitung last year which was recently published.