The Bührle Connection
Oct 19, 2021Hortense Anda-Bührle
Oct 9, 2021
Ten years ago, I photographed Hortense Anda-Bührle for du magazine. Anda-Bührle was an entrepreneur, art collector, and the daughter of a controversial arms manufacturer. At one point, she was the wealthiest woman in the wealthiest country on earth.
Prosecco and Show Closing in Zurich!
Oct 4, 2021
My series on show “When You Come Back, I Might Be Dead” at Never Stop Reading is closing soon. Come by on Wednesday, November 10, at 5 p.m. for a chat and free prosecco!
Wir Journalistinnen
Sep 4, 2021
I was recently interviewed* for a web series about women journalists. The video (14:26) is in Swiss German, with German subtitles. Watch it here.
Die Achtsamkeit des Langstreckenläufers
Jul 20, 2021
Scroll down for English Der Genfer Leichtathletiker und Europa-Rekordhalter Julien Wanders bereitet sich in Kenia auf seine ersten Olympischen Spiele vor. Ein grosser Teil des Trainings besteht darin, sich mental für den Event zu stählen. Ein Besuch vor Ort.
Un-Learning Limits
Mar 29, 2021
Für deutsch bitte runterscrollen. The Swiss long-distance runner Julien Wanders has lived and trained in Kenya for seven years. Observations. — It's eight-thirty on a Wednesday morning in February. Julien Wanders speeds over the country road from Eldoret to Iten at 140 kilometers per hour. A hip hop track called “I'm the boss” is blasting on the stereo. His colleagues are sitting in the back of the car, chatting happily, scrolling on their cell phones, the mood is relaxed. Wanders calls his girlfriend Kolly while on the road and says, “We're done with track, we'll be there soon for breakfast!”
Blow Up the Outside World
Mar 20, 2021Chasing Swell, Raising Hell
Dec 10, 2020
Last February (which seems an eternity ago), I spent a couple of weeks in Durban, South Africa, reporting on a surf program for homeless children. The assignment—for various reasons, one of them being Covid-19—was never completed, and I hope to find a good home for this story next year. For now, here are a few pictures in front of and behind the scenes.